#include <svkPlotGridView.h>
Public Types | |
Enum represents objects in the scene. More... | |
enum | RendererType { PRIMARY = 0, LAST_RENDERER = PRIMARY } |
Enum represents renderers in the window. More... | |
enum | ColorSchema { LIGHT_ON_DARK = 0, DARK_ON_LIGHT } |
Enum represents different color schemes. Used for printing. More... | |
enum | DataInputs { MR4D, MET, ADDITIONAL_MR4D } |
Enum represent the data inputs. More... | |
enum | WindowLevelRanges { FREQUENCY = 0, AMPLITUDE } |
Enum represents different color schemes. Used for printing. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
vtkTypeMacro (svkPlotGridView, svkDataView) | |
svkPlotGridView () | |
Constructor. More... | |
~svkPlotGridView () | |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | SetInput (svkImageData *data, int index) |
virtual void | AddReferenceInput (svkImageData *data) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (int index) |
virtual void | SetSlice (int slice) |
virtual void | SetTlcBrc (int tlcBrc[2]) |
virtual void | SetTlcBrc (int tlcID, int brcID) |
virtual void | SetWindowLevelRange (double lower, double upper, int index) |
virtual void | GetWindowLevelRange (double &lower, double &upper, int index) |
virtual void | SetOverlayWLRange (double *range) |
virtual double * | GetOverlayWLRange () |
void | SetComponent (svkPlotLine::PlotComponent component, int plotIndex=-1) |
void | SetActiveComponent (svkPlotLine::PlotComponent component) |
svkPlotLine::PlotComponent | GetActiveComponent () |
virtual void | SetVolumeIndex (int index, int volumeIndex=0, int plotIndex=-1) |
virtual int | GetVolumeIndex (int volumeIndex=0) |
virtual int * | GetVolumeIndexArray () |
void | SetPlotUnits (svkSpecPoint::UnitType plotUnitType) |
virtual void | SetRWInteractor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *rwi) |
virtual void | SetPlotColor (int plotIndex, double *rgb) |
virtual double * | GetPlotColor (int plotIndex) |
virtual void | SetPlotLineWidth (float width) |
virtual void | SetPlotVisibility (int plotIndex, bool visible) |
virtual bool | GetPlotVisibility (int plotIndex) |
virtual int | GetNumberOfReferencePlots () |
virtual void | SetActivePlotIndex (int plotIndex) |
virtual svkImageData * | GetActivePlot () |
virtual int | GetActivePlotIndex () |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Method is called when data object is Modified. More... | |
void | GeneratePlotGridActor () |
void | GenerateClippingPlanes () |
virtual void | SetOrientation (svkDcmHeader::Orientation orientation) |
virtual void | AlignCamera () |
Resets the camera to look at the new selection. More... | |
svk4DImageData * | GetActiveInput () |
void | SetOverlayTextDigits (int digits) |
string | GetScientificFormat (int digits) |
string | GetDecimalFormat (int digits) |
void | TurnPropOn (int propIndex) |
void | TurnPropOff (int propIndex) |
void | HideView () |
void | ShowView () |
void | AlignCameraOff () |
void | AlignCameraOn () |
void | SetActiveOverlayVolume (int volume) |
void | SetOverlayThreshold (double threshold) |
![]() | |
vtkTypeMacro (svkDataView, vtkObject) | |
svkDataView () | |
Constructor. More... | |
~svkDataView () | |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual svkImageData * | GetInput (int index=0) |
virtual void | SetController (svkDataViewController *controller) |
virtual svkDataViewController * | GetController () |
virtual int | GetSlice () |
virtual void | SetPropState (int propIndex, bool visible) |
virtual bool | IsPropOn (int propIndex) |
virtual void | SetRendererState (int rendererIndex, bool visible) |
virtual void | TurnRendererOn (int rendererIndex) |
virtual void | TurnRendererOff (int rendererIndex) |
virtual bool | IsRendererOn (int rendererIndex) |
virtual void | SetVisibility (int actorIndex, bool visible) |
Is it in the views current displayed FOV? More... | |
virtual vtkRenderer * | GetRenderer (int index) |
virtual void | SetRenderer (int index, vtkRenderer *ren) |
virtual vtkProp * | GetProp (int index) |
virtual void | SetProp (int index, vtkProp *prop) |
virtual svkDcmHeader::Orientation | GetOrientation () |
void | ValidationOff () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static svkPlotGridView * | New () |
![]() | |
static void | ClipMapperToTlcBrc (svkImageData *data, vtkAbstractMapper *mapper, int tlcBrc[2], double clip_tolerance_row, double clip_tolerance_column, double clip_tolerance_slice) |
static void | GetClippingIndexFromTlcBrc (svkImageData *data, int indexRange[2][3], int tlcBrc[2]) |
static void | GetClippingPlanes (vtkPlaneCollection *planes, svkImageData *data, int *tlcBrc, double clip_tolerance_row, double clip_tolerance_column, double clip_tolerance_slice) |
static bool | IsTlcBrcWithinData (svkImageData *data, int tlcBrc[2]) |
static bool | IsTlcBrcWithinData (svkImageData *data, int tlcID, int brcID) |
static void | ResetTlcBrcForNewOrientation (svkImageData *data, svkDcmHeader::Orientation orientation, int tlcBrc[2], int &slice) |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | CreateMetaboliteOverlay (svkImageData *data) |
void | UpdateMetaboliteText (int *tlcBrc) |
void | UpdateMetaboliteImage (int *tlcBrc) |
void | UpdateMetaboliteTextDisplacement () |
void | UpdateDetailedPlot (int *tlcBrc) |
void | UpdateDetailedPlotOverlay (int tlc) |
void | SetSelection (double *selectionArea, bool isWorldCords=0) |
int * | HighlightSelectionVoxels () |
void | SetColorSchema (int colorSchema) |
string | GetDataCompatibility (svkImageData *data, int targetIndex) |
void | SetOverlayOpacity (double opacity) |
void | SetLUT (svkLookupTable::svkLookupTableType type) |
![]() | |
virtual void | UpdateProps () |
void | ObserveData (svkImageData *data) |
Protected Attributes | |
vector< svkPlotLineGrid * > | plotGrids |
vector< svkImageClip * > | metClippers |
vector< vtkActor2D * > | overlayTextActors |
double | referencePlotColors [10][3] |
![]() | |
vector< vtkRenderer * > | renCollection |
vector< vtkProp * > | propCollection |
vtkRenderWindowInteractor * | rwi |
vector< svkImageData * > | dataVector |
svkDataViewController * | controller |
vtkCallbackCommand * | dataModifiedCallback |
svkDcmHeader::Orientation | orientation |
int | tlcBrc [2] |
the top left, bottom right corners of the current view More... | |
int | slice |
vector< bool > | isPropOn |
vector< bool > | isRendererOn |
vector< bool > | isPropVisible |
bool | isValidationOn |
Friends | |
class | svkPlotGridViewController |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | UpdateView (vtkObject *subject, unsigned long eid, void *thisObject, void *callData) |
A concrete implementation of svkDataView. Its puropose is to visualize 4D data plots in a rectangular grid.
enum ActorType |
enum ColorSchema |
enum DataInputs |
enum RendererType |
enum WindowLevelRanges |
svkPlotGridView | ( | ) |
References svkDcmHeader::AXIAL, svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::DETAILED_PLOT, svkDetailedPlotDirector::GetPlotActor(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::GetRuler(), svkSatBandSet::GetSatBandsActor(), svkSatBandSet::GetSatBandsOutlineActor(), svkDataView::isPropOn, svkDataView::isPropVisible, svkDataView::isRendererOn, svkPlotGridView::LAST_PROP, svkPlotGridView::LAST_RENDERER, svkImageMapToColors::New(), svkSatBandSet::New(), svkImageActor::New(), svkPlotLineGrid::New(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::New(), svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_GRID, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_LINES, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkDataView::propCollection, svkSpecPoint::PTS, svkPlotGridView::referencePlotColors, svkDataView::renCollection, svkPlotGridView::RULER, svkDataView::rwi, svkPlotGridView::SAT_BANDS, svkPlotGridView::SAT_BANDS_OUTLINE, svkSatBandSet::SetOrientation(), svkDataView::SetProp(), svkDataView::slice, svkDataView::tlcBrc, svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOff(), svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOn(), and svkPlotGridView::VOL_SELECTION.
~svkPlotGridView | ( | ) |
References svkPlotGridView::metClippers, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, and svkDataView::rwi.
virtual |
virtual |
Resets the camera to look at the new selection.
References svkDcmHeader::AXIAL, svkDcmHeader::CORONAL, svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkDcmHeader::SAGITTAL, svkDataView::slice, svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::VOL_SELECTION.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetOrientation(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), and svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc().
void AlignCameraOff | ( | ) |
Turn off this behavior to prevent auto alignment of camera during slice changes, etc.
void AlignCameraOn | ( | ) |
Turn on (on by default) this behavior to prevent auto alignment of camera during slice changes, etc.
protected |
Creates the svkOrientedImageActor for rendering an overlay.
data | the data to be rendered as an overlay |
TODO: Implement changes for multiple overlays
References svkPlotGridView::AlignCamera(), svkLookupTable::COLOR, svkDataView::dataVector, svkLabeledDataMapper::GetLabelTextProperty(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkVoxelTaggingUtils::IsImageVoxelTagData(), svkDataView::IsPropOn(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::metClippers, svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkImageClip::New(), svkImageMapToColors::New(), svkLookupTable::New(), svkLabeledDataMapper::New(), svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkLookupTable::SetAlphaThreshold(), svkLabeledDataMapper::SetLabelModeToLabelScalars(), svkLookupTable::SetLUTType(), svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayOpacity(), svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayTextDigits(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOff(), svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOn(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteText(), and svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteTextDisplacement().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput().
void GenerateClippingPlanes | ( | ) |
Generates the clipping planes for the mMMapper. This is how the boundries set are enforced, after the data is scaled, it is clipped so that data outside the plot range is simply not shown.
References svkDataView::ClipMapperToTlcBrc(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_GRID, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, and svkDataView::tlcBrc.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), and svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc().
void GeneratePlotGridActor | ( | ) |
Creates the actor that outlines the voxels
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_GRID, and svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput().
svkPlotLine::PlotComponent GetActiveComponent | ( | ) |
Gets the component of the active plot.
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids.
svk4DImageData * GetActiveInput | ( | ) |
Returns the active input dataset.
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::ShowView().
virtual |
Returns the svkImageData object of the active plot.
References svkDataView::dataVector.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetActivePlotIndex().
virtual |
Gets the index of the plot that is currently active.
protected |
Check to make sure a given dataset is comptabile with the currently loaded data sets.
data | the prospective data. |
targetIndex | the index in which the data is trying to be placed. |
References svkPlotGridView::ADDITIONAL_MR4D, svkDataValidator::AreCellDataArrayStructureSame(), svkDataValidator::AreDataCompatible(), svkDataValidator::AreDataGeometriesSame(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataValidator::INVALID_DATA_ORIENTATION, svkDataValidator::IsInvalid(), svkDataView::isValidationOn, svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataValidator::New(), and svkDataValidator::resultInfo.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput().
string GetDecimalFormat | ( | int | digits | ) |
Creates a printf style string for formatting the overlay text. Takes the number of digits after the decimal as input.
References svkTypeUtils::IntToString().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayTextDigits().
virtual |
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids.
virtual |
Method gets the window level range for the overlay.
virtual |
Sets the color for the given plot index.
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids.
virtual |
Returns if the requested plot is visible, otherwise returns false.
plotIndex |
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids.
string GetScientificFormat | ( | int | digits | ) |
Creates a printf style string for formatting the overlay text. Takes the number of significant digits as input.
References svkTypeUtils::IntToString().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayTextDigits().
virtual |
Getter for the index of current volume.
volumeIndex |
virtual |
Getter for the index of current volume.
volumeIndex |
virtual |
References svkPlotGridView::AMPLITUDE, svkPlotGridView::FREQUENCY, and svkPlotGridView::plotGrids.
void HideView | ( | ) |
protected |
Method highlights voxels within the selection box
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), svkDataView::slice, and svkDataView::tlcBrc.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput().
static |
virtual |
Method is called when data object is Modified.
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkDataView::Refresh(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::Refresh(), and svkDataView::tlcBrc.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), svkPlotGridView::SetActiveOverlayVolume(), svkPlotGridView::SetComponent(), svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetLUT(), svkPlotGridView::SetOrientation(), svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayWLRange(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotColor(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotVisibility(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), svkPlotGridView::SetVolumeIndex(), and svkPlotGridView::SetWindowLevelRange().
virtual |
Removes a data input and the associated actors. Currently only implemented for overlay.
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkImageActor::New(), svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, and svkDataView::SetProp().
void SetActiveComponent | ( | svkPlotLine::PlotComponent | component | ) |
Sets the component of the active plot.
References svkPlotGridView::SetComponent().
void SetActiveOverlayVolume | ( | int | volume | ) |
Sets the active overlay volume.
volume |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlotOverlay().
virtual |
Sets the active plot.
index |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::GetActivePlot(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, and svkSatBandSet::SetInput().
protected |
Sets the color schema. Currently we only support one light-on-dark and one dark-on-light. Used for making a printable version.
colorSchema | the color scheme you want, options are svkPlotGriView::LIGHT_ON_DARK or svkPlotGridView::DARK_ON_LIGHT |
References svkPlotGridView::DARK_ON_LIGHT, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::LIGHT_ON_DARK, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetBackgroundColor(), and svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetPlotColor().
void SetComponent | ( | svkPlotLine::PlotComponent | component, |
int | plotIndex = -1 |
) |
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetActiveComponent().
virtual |
Set input data and initialize default range values. Also, should call ObserveData. Does some compatibility checking based on what is currently loaded.
data | the candidate data for input |
index | the index in which to set the data |
Implements svkDataView.
References svkPlotGridView::ADDITIONAL_MR4D, svkPlotGridView::AlignCamera(), svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::DETAILED_PLOT, svkPlotGridView::GeneratePlotGridActor(), svkPlotGridView::GetDataCompatibility(), svkImageData::GetDcmHeader(), svkImageData::GetFirstSlice(), svkImageData::GetLastSlice(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkSatBandSet::GetSatBandsActor(), svkDcmHeader::GetStringValue(), svkMrsTopoGenerator::GetTopoActorCollection(), svkPlotGridView::HighlightSelectionVoxels(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkMrsTopoGenerator::New(), svkPlotLineGrid::New(), svkDataView::ObserveData(), svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_GRID, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_LINES, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkSpecPoint::PPM, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkPlotGridView::referencePlotColors, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkPlotGridView::RULER, svkPlotGridView::SAT_BANDS, svkPlotGridView::SAT_BANDS_OUTLINE, svkSatBandSet::SetClipSlice(), svkSatBandSet::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetOrientation(), svkDataView::SetProp(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), svkDataView::slice, svkDataView::tlcBrc, svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOff(), svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOn(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot(), svk4DImageData::VOL_SELECTION, and svkPlotGridView::VOL_SELECTION.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::AddReferenceInput().
protected |
virtual |
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkPlotGridView::AlignCamera(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkDataView::GetSlice(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkSatBandSet::SetOrientation(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), and svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteTextDisplacement().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput().
protected |
Sets the opacity of the image overlay.
opacity | the new opacity you wish the image overlay to have. |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, and svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetBackgroundOpacity().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay().
void SetOverlayTextDigits | ( | int | digits | ) |
Sets the minimum number of digits after the decimal point for the overlay text.
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::GetDecimalFormat(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::GetScientificFormat(), svkPlotGridView::MET, and svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay().
void SetOverlayThreshold | ( | double | threshold | ) |
Sets the threshold of the image overlay.
threshold | the new threshold you wish the image overlay to have. |
References svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkLookupTable::SetAlphaThreshold(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlotOverlay().
virtual |
Method sets the window level range for the overlay.
References svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlotOverlay().
virtual |
Sets the color for the given plot index.
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot().
virtual |
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, and svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetLineWidth().
void SetPlotUnits | ( | svkSpecPoint::UnitType | plotUnitType | ) |
type |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkDetailedPlotDirector::GenerateAbscissa(), GetDcmHeader(), and svkPlotGridView::MR4D.
virtual |
Show or hide the given plot by index.
index | |
visible |
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot().
virtual |
Sets the interactor, and attach a renderer it its window. NOTE: This will remove any/all renderers that may have been in the renderWindow.
TODO: AddRenderer can throw an error if the RenderWindow has not been initialized, either add a check or re-implement.
rwi | the vtkRendererWindowInteractor you wish to associate with the view |
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkDataView::rwi, and svkDataView::TurnRendererOn().
protected |
Sets desired the current selection in Display (pixels) coordinates and highlights the intersected voxels.
selectionArea | the area you wish to select voxels within [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkVoxelTaggingUtils::IsImageVoxelTagData(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkDataView::rwi, svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), svkDataView::slice, and svkVoxelTaggingUtils::ToggleVoxelTag().
virtual |
Sets the slice.
slice | the new slice |
Implements svkDataView.
References svkPlotGridView::AlignCamera(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::GenerateClippingPlanes(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkSatBandSet::SetClipSlice(), svkDataView::slice, svkDataView::tlcBrc, svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteImage(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteText(), and svkPlotGridView::VOL_SELECTION.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), and svkPlotGridView::SetOrientation().
virtual |
virtual |
Currently this method is being used to set the selection range. This should be changed to have a more meaningful name, or be implemented differently.
TODO: Re-implement once svkDataImage is being used to pass Actor settings.
tlcID | the id of the top left corner voxel |
tlcID | the id of the bottom right corner voxel |
References svkDetailedPlotDirector::AddOnMouseMoveObserver(), svkPlotGridView::AlignCamera(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::DETAILED_PLOT, svkPlotGridView::GenerateClippingPlanes(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkDataView::IsTlcBrcWithinData(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_GRID, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::RemoveOnMouseMoveObserver(), svkPlotGridView::RULER, svkDataView::rwi, svkDataView::tlcBrc, svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOff(), svkPlotGridView::TurnPropOn(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteImage(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateMetaboliteText(), and svkPlotGridView::VOL_SELECTION.
virtual |
Set the index for the given volume dimension index.
index | the index of the volume |
volumeIndex | the index of the volume dimension |
plotIndex | the index of the plot line you wish to modify |
References svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDataView::rwi, svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot().
virtual |
SetWindowLevel for plot view; index 0 is frequency, index 1 is intensity. NOTE: Method assumes that frequency ranges are in integers (points).
lower | the lower limit |
upper | the upper limit |
index | which dimension you wish to change, frequency or magnitude |
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkPlotGridView::AMPLITUDE, svkPlotGridView::FREQUENCY, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkPlotGridView::Refresh(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetIndexRange(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetYRange(), and svkDataView::tlcBrc.
void ShowView | ( | ) |
Reveals all the appropriate actors.
References svkPlotGridView::DETAILED_PLOT, svkPlotGridView::GetActiveInput(), svkImageData::GetDcmHeader(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkDataView::GetRenderer(), svkDcmHeader::GetStringValue(), svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_GRID, svkPlotGridView::PLOT_LINES, svkPlotGridView::PRIMARY, svkDataView::tlcBrc, and svkPlotGridView::VOL_SELECTION.
virtual |
Turns off the given prop, in both the view and in the detailed plot directory
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetAnnotationTextVisibility(), and svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetBackgroundVisibility().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), and svkPlotGridView::svkPlotGridView().
virtual |
Turns on the given prop, in both the view and in the detailed plot directory
Reimplemented from svkDataView.
References svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetAnnotationTextVisibility(), and svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetBackgroundVisibility().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), and svkPlotGridView::svkPlotGridView().
protected |
tlcBrc |
References svkDetailedPlotDirector::AddInput(), svkDataView::dataVector, svkDetailedPlotDirector::GenerateAbscissa(), GetDcmHeader(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkPlotGridView::plotGrids, svkDetailedPlotDirector::RemoveAllInputs(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetIndexRange(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetPlotColor(), and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlotOverlay().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetComponent(), svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotColor(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotVisibility(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), and svkPlotGridView::SetVolumeIndex().
protected |
Updates the overlay color and text in the detailed plot director
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkTypeUtils::DoubleToString(), svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetAnnotationText(), svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetBackgroundColor(), and svkDetailedPlotDirector::SetBackgroundOpacity().
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetActiveOverlayVolume(), svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayThreshold(), svkPlotGridView::SetOverlayWLRange(), and svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot().
protected |
Updates the visible metabolite values depending on the selection
tlcBrc | points to a legth two int vector, the first index being the top left corner and the second being the bottom right. |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkPlotGridView::MR4D, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_IMAGE, and svkDataView::slice.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), and svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc().
protected |
Updates the visible metabolite values depending on the selection
tlcBrc | points to a legth two int vector, the first index being the top left corner and the second being the bottom right. |
References svkDataView::dataVector, svkPlotGridView::metClippers, and svkPlotGridView::MR4D.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), and svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc().
protected |
The actor that represents the text values of the metabolite overlays will, by default, render the text at the center of each voxel. We want the text to show up in the top left corner of each voxel. To do this we will apply a transform to the actor to translate it.
References svkDcmHeader::AXIAL, svkDcmHeader::CORONAL, svkDataView::dataVector, svkDataView::GetProp(), svkVoxelTaggingUtils::IsImageVoxelTagData(), svkPlotGridView::MET, svkDataView::orientation, svkPlotGridView::OVERLAY_TEXT, and svkDcmHeader::SAGITTAL.
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::CreateMetaboliteOverlay(), and svkPlotGridView::SetOrientation().
vtkTypeMacro | ( | svkPlotGridView | , |
svkDataView | |||
) |
friend |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::AddReferenceInput(), svkPlotGridView::AlignCamera(), svkPlotGridView::GenerateClippingPlanes(), svkPlotGridView::GetActiveComponent(), svkPlotGridView::GetActiveInput(), svkPlotGridView::GetNumberOfReferencePlots(), svkPlotGridView::GetPlotColor(), svkPlotGridView::GetPlotVisibility(), svkPlotGridView::GetWindowLevelRange(), svkPlotGridView::SetActivePlotIndex(), svkPlotGridView::SetColorSchema(), svkPlotGridView::SetComponent(), svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), svkPlotGridView::SetOrientation(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotColor(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotLineWidth(), svkPlotGridView::SetPlotVisibility(), svkPlotGridView::SetSlice(), svkPlotGridView::SetTlcBrc(), svkPlotGridView::SetVolumeIndex(), svkPlotGridView::SetWindowLevelRange(), svkPlotGridView::svkPlotGridView(), svkPlotGridView::UpdateDetailedPlot(), and svkPlotGridView::~svkPlotGridView().
protected |
Referenced by svkPlotGridView::SetInput(), and svkPlotGridView::svkPlotGridView().